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UK Research & Innovation: GB-Cambridge: UKRI-4662 Pallet handling & Forklift equipment

  UK Research & Innovation has published this notice through Delta eSourcing

Notice Summary
Title: GB-Cambridge: UKRI-4662 Pallet handling & Forklift equipment
Notice type: Competitive Contract Award Notice
Authority: UK Research & Innovation
Nature of contract: Not applicable
Procedure: Not applicable
Short Description:
Published: 03/02/2025 10:34

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Competitive Contract Award Notice

1. Title: GB-Cambridge: UKRI-4662 Pallet handling & Forklift equipment
2. Awarding Authority:
    UK Research & Innovation
    High Cross Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0ET, United Kingdom
    Tel. +1235 446553, Email:, URL:
    Contact: Helen Forsythe, Attn: Helen Forsythe
3. Contract Type: Supplies
      Sub Type: PURCHASE

4. Description: Forklift trucks. Materials handling equipment to be used at the Polar Distribution Hub in Bar Hill and to be integrated into the harmonised fleet of plant which is substitutable with the equipment being used at the Antarctic Warehouse in the Discovery Building in Rothera.
5. CPV Codes:
   42415110 - Forklift trucks.

6. NUTS Codes :
   UKH12 - Cambridgeshire CC

7. Main Site or Location of Works, Main Place of Delivery or Main Place of Performance: Cambridgeshire CC,
8. Reference Attributed by the Awarding Authority: UKRI-4662
9. Awarded to:

    Toyota Material Handling UK Limited
    2 Vickers Way, Chetwynd Business Park, Chilwell, NG9 6RY, United Kingdom
    Tel. +44 1162024227
    Contact: Sales, Attn: Neil Condron
Value Cost: 96,248.44
Is Awardee likely to subcontract?: No Awarded to SME?: No
10. Date of Contract Award: 29/01/2025
11. Number of Tenders Received: 1
12. Other Information:
Other Information: Procurement Transparency Data: Redacted contract documents will be made available within the next 30 days, on the UKRI website at:
The Contract was awarded following a negotiated procedure without prior publication, in
accordance with Regulation 32(2)(b)(ii) of the Public Contract Regulations.
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Suitable for VCO: No
Period of Work Start date: 30/01/2025
Period of Work End date: 31/03/2025

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